Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Crucible Act II Response

(I accidentally turned in an act 3 response last week instead of act 2, so this is act 2)

In Act II, Abigail is starting to become more of an antagonist. In the first act, she is somewhat standoffish and insists that her name won’t be slandered in the town. Her extremely selfish nature shows with her schemes to try to get others accused.  Everyone accused has selfish intentions because their lives are on the line, but none of them make the effort to do things such as plant evidence to shift the blame.  When Mary Warren made the doll and stuck a pin in it, Abigail was sitting next to her.  Later Abigail goes so far as to actually stick a pin in her own stomach and fake a fit just to get Mary Warren under more suspicion.  I also have sympathy for Mary, because there isn’t a scenario in which things turn out well for her; if she denies that she’s a witch and shifts the blame to Abigail, Abigail will get angry and turn in John Proctor.  If she doesn’t, she dies.

Word Count: 166

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