Thursday, October 25, 2012

Play Response

The Crucible reminds me of Inherit the Wind. A majority of each play takes place in court, and they revolve around religious issues. Inherit the Wind is about a teacher who teaches the theory of evolution to his class in a town where it’s illegal to teach anything other than creationism; the court case in the crucible is even more ridiculous, but it makes sense in the time period. The Crucible has a much darker ending than Inherit the Wind, although both conclude with death. Inherit the wind involves Matthew Brady, the opposing lawyer, dying from a heart attack (most likely caused by shame for losing); it’s a slightly comedic conclusion, as opposed to The Crucible which is dramatic and solemn.

I enjoyed the play, but none of the characters themselves are very likeable; they all say something in the play that shows them in a bad light at least once. Abigail is the main culprit, and she is exceptionally hateable. Everything she says or does is a direct contradiction to her previous stance on the subject, mainly her statement about not having her name slandered in the town. She then proceeds to do just that to everyone that she can. All the trouble she goes to just to put blame on others also makes her even more annoying. I suppose many people in that situation would do the same, but someone who would shove a needle into their own stomach to say that someone else is a witch is crazy in my eyes.

word count: 254

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