Saturday, September 15, 2012


Communities I belong to:

1. Phantom Lake YMCA Camp Staff Development Program

2. Gaming community (Xbox Live)

3. Near North Montessori

Phantom Lake:
The camp is located in Mukwonago, Wisconsin. There’s a long, paved driveway leading from the entrance (marked with a brown painted sign) that leads to the check in area, a large field in which tents and tables are set up. Leading away from the field are two paths; one going to the lower camp tents and one leading into The Kettles, the camp forest which also contains another set of tents. Between these two areas is more forest and the Athletic Field, located at the bottom of hills on both sides. Past the lower camp tents is the Alford Lodge, and further is the dining hall.
The waterfront is close behind the dining hall with swimming piers, boats, and a water trampoline. The lodge is an open building with nothing but a piano, a few bookshelves, and a stage.  The dining hall is larger than the lodge and has many tables.

I’m in the Staff Development Program at Phantom, which I was able to partake in when I turned 15. SDPs are basically junior counselors; each counselor has one or two SDPs helping them with their camper group. SDPs also help counselors run the activities. We are assigned to one activity in the morning and one during free time in the afternoon. The SDP program is three years long. First year DPs are CITs, and they only stay for one week; second years are LITs (leader in training) and go for two weeks; third years are ACs (assistant counselor), and stay for three weeks. Every AC has one week of being a counselor in which they are called CACs (counseling ACs). Only a few ACs get selected to be counselors, which is a paying position.

I’ve been going to Phantom Lake for seven years, so it’s become like a separate family. I have met some of my best friends at camp , and I hang out with them the most whenever I’m there. The counselors and staff are also very close to me. I really enjoy the SDP program too, even though I’ve only done one year of it. I also learned a lot of social skills at camp, and I don’t think i would be the same person that I am if I hadn’t attended when I was younger.

1 comment:

  1. George, I can really relate to your essay because I go to Phantom Lake too! It's so true that Phantom is almost like a second family. I have made many good friends there; friends that I feel I can go to whenever, for whatever the reason. You said that if you hadn't gone to camp, you'd probably wouldn't have been the same person, and I agree too. Going to camp isn't just about having fun, it's a place to get to know yourself for who you really are.
